Schnebly Winery

November 30, 2018

My birthday often falls the same weekend as Thanksgiving. My birth date was actually on the holiday. My mother used to say she got me on a platter instead of a turkey. This year, our kids came home so we could celebrate together. We had a lovely meal with all the proper fixings while enjoying each other’s company.


On Friday of Thanksgiving weekend, we drove to Florida City/Homestead. We meant to stop at Knaus Berry Farm, but the line to get in was way too long for us to wait out in the hot sun. We took backroads instead toward the Schnebly Redland’s Winery and Miami Brewing Co. It was an educational drive through South Florida’s agricultural country. The winery makes wine and beer out of tropical fruits. There’s a gift shop adjacent to the Redlander Restaurant where we had lunch. I had a tasty burger with fried avocado on top.


The tour took us on a path under a thatched roof and past a waterfall. We fed the Koi fish in the pond while the guide explained the winery’s origins. Next we viewed the vats where the fruit is pressed for juice and later fermented.

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The resulting liquid is filtered to remove any remaining solids and then bottled in dark bottles to prevent sunlight from penetrating. Beer is sold in cans.

We entered the taproom where beer samples were available. I am not a beer drinker, but our kids enjoyed the taste. We saw the rest of the brewery before moving on to the wine tasting.


At the bar in the gift shop, we each chose five wines to taste. I liked the Grand Reserve, a white that was dry enough to be a table wine, and Denisse’s Boo-Boo Wine that was similar to an ice wine to be sipped after dinner.

We drove next to Robert is Here to look at the farmer’s market selling fresh fruits and vegetables and their famous milkshakes. Outside is a mini-zoo where you can feed lettuce to the animals. The only thing lacking is a decent restroom. With the crowds they get, they should invest in a real facility. If you’re desperate, they have portable units on site. Then we drove home. Exhausted from the long day, we ate turkey leftovers for dinner.


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0 thoughts on “Schnebly Winery

  1. Looking at these posts, this looks like it’s been a great month for various excursions and occasions! For me, a highlight would be shrimp on a skewer, but I’m just shrimp-mad!

    1. Yes, it’s been a busy month. I’ve been having fun but not doing much in the way of writing. As for shrimp skewers, I like the ones at Red Lobster.

  2. Happy Birthday to you ♪♪♪♪! My favorite son was born on November 30th. The 4-pound preemie was quite the Thanksgiving surprise (due in February). He was born only three days after Thanksgiving. Yesterday, we celebrated his 31 years by him signing papers on his very first house. I could not be more excited and proud!
    I have been following you for quite a while and I love your books!! It must be a November birthday thing (mine is the 8th), Lol! I am so happy you got to have such a wonderful time in Florida–it is my favorite place and hope to visit again one day.
    Congratulations on such an amazing and beautiful wedding. The bride is stunning!
    Have a wonderful weekend. Keep writing!!

    1. Hi Sandi. Congratulations to your son on buying his first house. Our daughter and her husband are in their new house, too. Already they’re complaining about lawn care! Happy November birthday to you and your son. It’s always a busy time of year with all the holidays.

  3. I live in south Florida, but haven’t heard of this place. Sounds wonderful! (Susan Heim)

  4. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a great time with your family — I did too, everyone was in visiting.

  5. Happy birthday a wee bit late – but better late than never so they say. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the photos and your special day with us.
    In my family, birthdays and special occasions went hand in hand. My Mom was born of the REAL Memorial Day. My Dad was born on New Year’s Eve. They were married on Valentine’s day – after meeting on a blind date and getting married 7 days later.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  6. Happy Birthday! Wonderful pictures!
    Thank you for this fabulous chance!
    Wishing you n yours a Merry Christmas!

  7. Sounds like you had a nice birthday. My 60th next year will be on Thanksgiving. It falls on Thanksgiving approximately every 7 yrs. Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy belated Birthday! It looks like you had a wonderful day with your family. Great memories!