Tumultuous Times

Greetings. If you haven’t heard from me in a while, it’s because I’ve been dealing with my husband’s health crisis and haven’t had the energy left for anything else. Instead of researching fun topics for my next book, I’ve been occupied looking into home safety features such as grab bars and handrails, medical supplies such as shower seats and walkers, clothing such as slip-free socks, and other items I hadn’t expected us to need for years. After a bad fall, my husband’s recovery is finally heading toward the light at the end of the tunnel


I do realize we are more fortunate than others who have lingering disabilities. We’re not out of the woods yet but my husband is significantly improved from when he came home from the hospital (after several admissions). We live on a day-to-day basis, not knowing when the next challenge will arrive. But who does? You do your best with what you are given, and I’ve been blessed with endless support from family and friends. I’m immensely grateful to those of you who have offered prayers, tangible support, and/or good wishes.

teddy bear

At this time, I am groping my way back to a routine but still have ceaseless management duties in terms of scheduling doctor appointments and organizing our insurance and caregiver records. Having a handle on these items makes me feel more in control. When something new arises, my thoughts scatter and I can only center on the situation at hand. There’s been little space in my brain lately for book-related musings. Hence the hiatus on my blog.

My heart goes out to those of you who act as caregivers for loved ones. It’s one of the hardest jobs on the planet. My ultimate relief is reading and watching movies on TV. Thank goodness for stories that help us escape.

How do you cope when life throws you a curveball and upsets your routine?