The Big Move

December 1, 2020

My husband and I are about to embark on a grand adventure. After forty years in our cherished house, we are moving four hours away to be near our kids and grandson. It’s not easy when we’ve remodeled this house to suit our style and we love the neighborhood. It’s difficult saying goodbye to our friends and leaving our favorite local restaurants. In a way, the pandemic has helped by isolating us from everyone. Meetings have been cancelled. We can’t get together with friends. So we talk on the phone and visit via Zoom. We can do the same things from our new location.

At the moment, we feel as though we have two lives. One half of us is still in our long-time residence getting it ready for sale and the moving van. The other half is planning ahead to what we want to do in the new house. Hopefully, the rewards will be worth the angst in the end.

In the meantime, my posts (and my writing) will be taking a back burner to these disruptive changes. I’ll resume at the beginning of next year if all goes well.

Have a wonderful holiday season and thanks for understanding.

Until later,



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2 thoughts on “The Big Move

    1. Thanks so much, Marilyn. It’ll be a relief to get settled into the new place. As for friends and restaurants, that won’t happen until the pandemic is past.

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