Flash Giveaway June2023

June 24, 2023

I’m trying something new and will be doing a flash giveaway for an advance reading copy of Keeper of the Rings, one of my earlier sci-fi romances. It’s Indiana Jones meets Romancing the Stone when an archaeologist and her mysterious protector search for a stolen sacred artifact on a distant planet. If you’d like a chance to win in exchange for posting an honest review on Amazon (and anywhere else you post), please leave a comment below. U.S. Residents only, please. Winner will be contacted by email and announced here in one week.

Excerpt from Keeper of the Rings

Leena followed him toward a recess in the wall. Vines dangled from overhead like a curtain, as though warning trespassers to stay away.

Her breath hitched at the familiar sight of two stone helixcats, their faces partially eroded. They stood as sentinels on each side of the entrance.

“I’ll go first,” she said. “I’m familiar with these temples.”

Her discerning glance observed a gap farther inside. She squeezed through the narrow opening into an interior passageway. The walls glowed with a strange luminescence that thankfully provided illumination. She watched her footing as she made her way along, with Taurin at her heels. As the walls closed in on them, a musty odor entered her nose.

She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Don’t stray from the path. This temple might have hidden dangers.”

“Now you tell me.” His voice sounded loud in the confines of the tunnel.

“Maybe that’s why the excavation stopped,” she suggested. “The early explorers might not have been able to get past the obstacles. Grotus’s men wouldn’t have had much more success.”

Halting as she came to a wide archway, Leena glanced at the floor of the room past the arch. It consisted of a patchwork of evenly-shaped stones. At the other end of the cavernous room was another open archway flanked by two huge stone statues. But what made her emit a soft cry was what she saw in between.

“What is it?” Taurin said, peering over her shoulder.

“Nothing good.” Leena pointed to the bones littering the chamber ahead.


Have you ever explored a scary place? 

Win an ARC of KEEPER OF THE RINGS, a thrilling sci-fi romance mixed with myth & mystery #scifi #romance #giveaway Share on X

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