Warrior Lord – New Print Edition

Warrior Lord, #3 in the Drift Lords Series, is now available in a new trade paperback author’s edition. This title was previously published by The Wild Rose Press. A dream wedding in Las Vegas turns into a nightmare when contest winner Erika Sherwood realizes she’s married an alien.

Warrior Lord

Published by Orange Grove Press
Digital ISBN: 978-1-952886-15-7
Print ISBN: 978-1-952886-34-8
Cover Design by The Killion Group, Inc.
Interior Design by Formatting4u.com

Pottery sculptor Erika Sherwood accepts a challenge from a stranger at a Las Vegas casino. The man named Magnor proposes they pretend to be engaged to win a contest with a rich reward. It seems like a sweet deal, except for one point. The winners will be married in a televised segment right after the competition. In a moment of recklessness, Erika accepts Magnor’s proposal.

Much to their surprise, they win and are pushed into a whirlwind wedding on live TV. Once they’re alone, Magnor proclaims he’s a space warrior sent to Earth to stop an alien invasion. He’s searching for a powerful weapon, and he needs Erika’s legendary powers to help locate it.

When they’re attacked by alien soldiers, Erika realizes he’s telling the truth. They’re sucked into a maelstrom of danger as they evade the enemy. But even more alarming are the growing feelings Erika has for her new husband. Once his mission succeeds, he’ll return to the stars. Can she convince him to stay and turn their marriage into a reality?


“A fun combination of action, adventure, sci-fi, mystery, mythology, and romance. I loved this book and cannot get enough Drift Lords.” WiLoveBooks

“Cohen’s third book in her Drift Lords series is an action-packed thrill ride from start to finish. She effortlessly blends fact with Norse mythology and fiction to create a fabulous tale, layered in detail and rich in texture.” Muddy Rose Reviews

Warrior Lord is a fast-paced science fiction tale with suspense and romance. A well-written book that kept me reading and guessing until the last page.” Reader Forever 

“Another great installment of Nancy Cohen’s series that combines sci-fi romance, action/adventure, and Norse mythology! Recommended for anyone who loves lots of action and sexy romance.” Alyssa Maxwell, author of the Gilded Newport Mysteries

Warrior Lord held me spellbound with this story of soul mates trying to save the world. If that is not enough for you, this book will have you at the edge of your seat. A great read.” Drue’s Random Chatter


Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KDHPJHF
Amazon Print: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1952886341/
Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6448873701
BN Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warrior-lord-nancy-j-cohen/1120033032?ean=2940161037072
BN Print: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warrior-lord-nancy-j-cohen/1120033032?ean=9781952886348
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/warrior-lord-3
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=LHG9EAAAQBAJ
Books2Read: https://books2read.com/Warrior-Lord
Indiebound: https://bookshop.org/p/books/warrior-lord-nancy-j-cohen/20102232?ean=9781952886348


Cameras aimed at her, and a wedding march blasted from the speaker system. She resisted the urge to press a hand to her aching temples.

Magnor waited for her under the canopy where myriads of tiny lights twinkled. He looked proud and tall, an unreadable expression on his face as he watched her step forward. His cape swung behind him, making him look like an avenging god with his impressive height and sword.

She took her place at his side and together they faced Dennis. The official held an open book in his hands. Dennis began the brief ceremony, his words bypassing her brain as she stood rooted in place, immobilized by the rapid pace of events.

“With the power invested in me by the State of Nevada and the city of Las Vegas, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Erika’s head whirled. Not even fifteen minutes must have gone by. Was this what passed for a Las Vegas wedding?

What a sham. She supposed that every minute they were on the air, it cost money.

Magnor’s head descended, and he pressed his mouth to hers. As far as the TV viewers were concerned, they’d been married. The exchange of rings had felt real. She wondered who’d given him the one he’d slid onto her finger. Dennis, most likely.

The ruddy-faced official shook their hands, gave Magnor the key to the honeymoon suite, and said their new car would be available for pickup from the valet. As for the cash prize, it was theirs for the taking. He handed them a large-sized signed check made out to Mr. and Mrs. Magnor.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Dennis said. “I’ll need your signatures on these documents, please. It’s simply a formality, but we do need permission for the resort to use your likenesses for publicity. These papers also include transfer of title to the car, tax forms and such.”

Erika signed with a shaky hand. In her frazzled state, she couldn’t be bothered to read the details.

Magnor followed suit, then grasped her hand in his and raised it in the air. The watching throng cheered loudly.

“That’s it then, wife.” His low, rumbly voice broke through the haze in her head. “You’re mine now.”

New Print Release WARRIOR LORD A dream wedding in Las Vegas turns into a nightmare when contest winner Erika Sherwood realizes she's married an alien. #alienromance #fantasy #romance Share on X

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Oct 1-22 Booklover’s Bench
Enter to win two free cozy mysteries at Booklovers Bench: https://bookloversbench.com/contests/win-two-free-books-oct-2023

Oct. 1 – 31, Kobo Paranormal Romance BOGO
Paranormal Sci/Fi Romance Sale at Kobo – Buy 1 Get One Free! My book, CIRCLE OF LIGHT, is included. If you don’t own a Kobo e-reader, you can download the free app.  https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/circle-of-light-9

Oct. 16 – 25, BookSweeps Paranormal, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Romance Giveaway
Enter to win my book, WARRIOR PRINCE, and 44 other fantasy, sci-fi and paranormal titles PLUS a brand-new eRreader: https://www.booksweeps.com/giveaway/oct23-win-a-bundle-of-paranormal-sci-fi-and-fantasy-romances/

Kobo Paranormal Romance Sale

Buy One Get One Free at Kobo’s Paranormal Romance Sale Oct. 1-31. My book, CIRCLE OF LIGHT, is included. This title was my first published book and winner of the HOLT Medallion Award. It’s book #1 in the Light-Years Series. Get started on the sale by ordering CIRCLE OF LIGHT now!

If you don’t own a Kobo e-reader, you can download the free app HERE.


Enter to win two free books at Booklovers Bench in our monthly giveaway:

Save the Date

Monday, Oct. 9, 7:00pm – 8:00 pm Facebook Author Takeover at Joanna’s Readers Facebook Page – Fun & Prizes!

Writing Workshops

Saturday, Oct. 7, 12:00pm to 5:00pm EDT, SinC Into Great Writing: Masterclass Day. I’m doing a workshop on “Book Promotion on a Budget” at 1:15 – 2:15 pm EDT.

Saturday, Oct. 14 at 11:00 am – 12 noon “Book Marketing on a Budget” via Zoom sponsored by South Florida Fiction Writers. Pre-Register Here.

Friday to Sunday, Oct. 20-22, Florida WritersCon 2023 at the Hilton Orlando/Altamonte Springs. I’ll be presenting these workshops: “Self-Publishing Made Simple” on Friday, Oct. 20 at 3:30-4:30 pm and “Book Marketing on a Budget” on Saturday, Oct. 21 at 3:30- 4:30 pm. Register Here

Saturday, Nov. 4, 10:30 am – 4:00 pm EDT, Indie Author Day, Ponte Vedra Beach Library, 101 Library Blvd, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. I’ll be a presenter. Free registration here: https://sjcpls.org/event/indie-author-showcase/

Kobo Paranormal Romance Sale #BOGO #KoboBooks Share on X

Coming Next: Warrior Lord New Print Book Release and Bad Hair Day Box Set Six Pre-Order


Warrior Rogue – New Print Release

I am excited to announce a new trade paperback edition of Warrior Rogue, #2 in the Drift Lords Series. A fashion designer and a space warrior race to fulfill an ancient prophecy and save the world in this magical blend of science fiction and fantasy romance.

Published by Orange Grove Press
Printed in the United States of America
Digital ISBN: 978-1-952886-14-0
Print ISBN: 978-1-952886-33-1
Cover Design by The Killion Group, Inc.
Interior Design by Formatting4u.com

Fashion designer Jennifer Dyhr lands a job as costumer for a video-game commercial being filmed in Japan. When their lead actor fails to show, Jen accepts responsibility since she’d recommended him for the role. A hunky replacement arrives, but her relief is short lived. Paz Hadar claims he’s a space warrior sent to save Earth from an alien invasion.

Space ops warrior Paz Hadar has fallen through a spatial rift onto Jen’s film set. He recognizes her as one of the legendary Earth women whose powers can defeat the enemy. The invaders, known as Trolleks, have opened a portal to access other worlds, and Paz’s job is to shut it down. He needs Jen’s dormant powers to succeed.

Jen doesn’t believe Paz’s stories about myths and magic until alien soldiers attack them on the flight home, and they’re stranded on a remote island. As they struggle to stay one step ahead of the enemy, she discovers that fighting her attraction to the dashing Drift Lord is as much of a challenge as staying alive.

Finalist in the Carolyn Reader’s Choice Awards and the Reader’s Crown Awards


Amazon Kindle – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KCC9F1N
Amazon Print: https://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Rogue-Drift-Lords-Nancy/dp/1952886333/
Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/warrior-rogue/id6448665977
BN Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warrior-rogue-nancy-j-cohen/1115236378?ean=2940160921648
BN Print: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warrior-rogue-nancy-j-cohen/1115236378?ean=9781952886331
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/warrior-rogue-1
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=QGK8EAAAQBAJ
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1386859
Indiebound: https://bookshop.org/p/books/warrior-rogue-nancy-j-cohen/20067448?ean=9781952886331
Books2Read: https://books2read.com/WarriorRogue


Jen tilted her head, taking the plunge. “I’m just wondering where we’re going with us.”

“Are you embarrassed because of my job, is that it?”

“I brought you home to meet my parents, didn’t I?”

“That’s not a proper answer.”

She folded her arms across her chest. “All right, I really like you. I want to be with you. But what happens when your mission is over?”

His gaze hardened. “I go back to my job.”

“Exactly. You leave me. You leave Earth.”

“Why, would you come with me?” For a moment, something flickered behind his expression.

“Not if you’re a space jockey hopping from one port to another. I want to settle down and have a family.”

“Well, then I guess you’ll have to look for someone more stable and suitable to your goals.”

Hurt and disappointment slashed through her. “I guess so. Someone like you can never understand drive and ambition. You just know how to kiss women or kill people.”

He grinned, but his eyes were two cold ice chips. “I’m very good at killing, Jen. It’s my best trait. Too bad you don’t count that among your requirements for a mate.”


“Cohen’s futuristic, paranormal romance series blends aspects of science fiction with magic and mythology then tops it off with steamy sexy scenes that are so hot you will need a fan and a mint julep drink to cool off… “I love the Drift Lords so much I dream of having one of my own.” Manic Readers

“It had a Romancing the Stone feel to it that I really liked.” Musings and Ramblings

“Romance, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, all rolled up into one neat package that keeps you on the edge of your seat. There’s a good dose of humor and passion with a satisfying ending. What really appealed to me was the present-day setting. Highly recommended.” Haley’s Comments

“This is a book you will devour in one fell swoop! Nancy J. Cohen has created a very realistic world with characters you cannot help but love.” Faerie Tale Books


Warrior Prince – New Print Edition

I am excited to announce a new trade paperback edition of WARRIOR PRINCE, #1 in the Drift Lords Series. Inspiration for this action-packed fantasy romance came from the Maelstrom ride at Disney’s Epcot theme park. The tale begins in Orlando and involves sinister theme parks, ancient prophecies, and Norse myths.

Warrior Prince

Published by Orange Grove Press
Digital ISBN: 978-1-952886-13-3
Print ISBN: 978-1-952886-32-4
Cover Design by The Killion Group, Inc.
Interior Design by Formatting4u.com

A galactic warrior joins forces with a feisty mythologist to stop a dimensional rift from destroying Earth in this action-packed fantasy romance.

Nira Larsen’s dream job interview at an Orlando theme park turns into a nightmare when she’s attacked by costumed thugs. She’s rescued by a band of space warriors known as the Drift Lords. Their leader, Zohar Thorald, explains that Nira’s assailants were Trolleks, invaders from another dimension. They’ve targeted her because she has the power to defeat them. The Trolleks have opened a dimensional portal through which they’re invading Earth, and Zohar needs Nira’s help to seal this rift.

As her dormant powers awaken, Nira realizes the ancient myths she’s studied as a mythology grad student are real. Her elemental abilities are derived from the Norse gods. But she also feels an unexpected connection to the Trolleks that she can’t explain.

Zohar falls for the feisty redhead until one of the Drift Lords is murdered, and his doubts about her loyalty threaten to derail his mission. While he’s torn between his duty to save Earth and his love for a woman who might betray him, he has no choice except to trust her. A worldwide cataclysm will result if he fails, and only together can they succeed in saving Earth.

“I’m a huge fan of Nancy Cohen’s Bad Hair Day Mysteries and was thrilled to discover her latest book, a terrific mix of science fiction, mystery, and sizzling romance.” Mary Kennedy, author of the Talk Radio Mysteries

“Cohen’s Drift Lord series weaves science fiction, fantasy, and ancient Norse mythology into a sexy tapestry of action, adventure, and love. A fun read.” Muddy Rose Reviews

“Sci-fi, fantasy, mythology, paranormal, and humor wrapped up in a steamy romance.” Wilovebooks


Zohar noticed her sudden silence. “You will be fine, Nira Larsen. We shall talk as soon as we finish these tasks. Sweep the signal detector over each surface in the room and let me know if a red light blinks.” He focused on setting up his poles around the perimeter of the suite.

“That sounds easy.” She did as instructed, glad to put some distance between them. Whenever he neared, her senses zoomed into hyperdrive.

Absorbed in her task, she scanned the drapes and bedding, even inside each drawer. Meanwhile, Zohar stood two of the poles at the far corners of the bedroom. A heavy silence fell between them as they worked.

Her rounds produced negative results. Probably the killer had been in such a hurry that he’d left right after gunning down Rayne. Or maybe he’d shot Rayne elsewhere then dragged the body here for Zohar to find.

Another thought chilled her. What if Rayne’s death had been a mistake? What if the murderer had meant to get Zohar instead? Is that what Zohar meant when he’d said Rayne wasn’t the target?

Zohar finished setting up the remaining poles. “When I activate these rods, our defense grid will prevent the Trolleks from spatial shifting into our location.”

He was just about to press the switch when the door burst open and a wild-eyed man charged inside, a curved blade in his hand.


Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KD6X9VF
Amazon Print: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1952886325/
Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/warrior-prince/id6447256889
BN Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warrior-prince-nancy-j-cohen/1112989278?ean=2940185602539
BN Print: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warrior-prince-nancy-j-cohen/1112989278?ean=9781952886324
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=Hnm3EAAAQBAJ
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/warrior-prince-7
Indiebound: https://bookshop.org/p/books/warrior-prince-nancy-j-cohen/20067446?ean=9781952886324
Books2Read: https://books2read.com/Warrior-Prince

Norse myths & magic mix in this action-packed fantasy romance #fantasy #pararomance Share on X

Play the Warrior Prince jigsaw puzzle – https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=2b2b63038e2d


Enter Here to win two free books at Booklovers Bench in our August giveaway!


Starlight Child – New Print Edition

I am excited to announce the new trade paperback release of Starlight Child, #3 in The Light-Year Series. This title was previously published by Dorchester and has been revised with added bonus materials. It is also available in digital formats. If you’re a fan of enemies-to-lovers sci-fi romance with a paranormal twist, this is the book for you. Add in a mystery or two, and you’re in for a suspenseful ride.

Copyright ©1995 by Nancy J. Cohen
Published by Orange Grove Press
Digital ISBN: 978-1-952886-08-9
Print ISBN:  978-1-952886-31-7
Cover Design by The Killion Group, Inc.
Interior Design by Formatting4u.com

Cultural specialist Mara Hendricks and Commander Deke Sage meet on a mission that takes them across the stars and into each other’s arms in this suspenseful science fiction romance. 

Psychic Mara Hendricks joins the rescue team after aliens from Yanura kidnap her best friend’s infant daughter. Not only will her special ability aid in tracking the baby’s location, but she’s also familiar with the Yanurans through her work for the government. She runs into a snag when the arrogant mission leader accuses her of being too trusting, but she believes the Yanurans might have been set up to take the blame.

Commander Deke Sage knows the aliens are hiding more than the missing child. There’s something fishy regarding their claims about an age-preserving drug made from seaweed, and he’s been ordered to investigate. Mara is too naïve to see the truth but too captivating for him to ignore. As their mission progresses, they realize there’s a bigger conspiracy than either of them suspected. They’ll both have to open their hearts and their minds to save the missing child.

“Captivating and wonderful!” Bestselling Author Janelle Taylor

“The passion between these characters is ‘out of this world.’ If you enjoy a little science fiction, a little fantasy and a lot of romance, this book is a definite read.” The Literary Times

“A futuristic romance both sensual and adventurous, Starlight Child is a captivating story of life and love in the vastness of space.” The Paperback Forum

“The characters and the unusual settings stun the senses. The action is explosive and stimulating; the passion is torrid and sensual. Though the books in this trilogy can stand alone, I recommend you read them all.” Rendezvous


Deke jumped back, abruptly releasing her. “What did you do? You tried to read my mind.”

Mara froze, at a loss for words. She had no excuse for her behavior. “No, I can’t read thoughts. I can only sense emotions, even when I’m in someone else’s viewpoint. I… I’m not sure what happened, but you appear to have triggered a separation.”

He stared at her, horrified. “What do you mean?”

Agitated, she brushed her hair off her face. “When I was younger, this sort of thing happened all the time. I had difficulty controlling my ability. But never in my adulthood have I experienced anything similar, not even with Pietor.” Her heart sank at the incredulous look on his face.

“Who in Zor is Pietor?”

“My former fiancé. His parents didn’t approve of me. Instead of coming to my defense, he agreed with them and… and said hurtful things about my gift.”

Deke glowered at her. “I can understand why.”

Cultural specialist Mara Hendricks and Commander Deke Sage meet on a mission to rescue a kidnapped child in a voyage that takes them across the galaxy in this enemies-to-lovers paranormal romance. Share on X


Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08G8NKKGL
Amazon Print: https://www.amazon.com/Starlight-Child-Light-Years-Nancy-Cohen/dp/1952886317/
Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6446113875
BN Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/starlight-child-nancy-j-cohen/1028105982?ean=2940185768853
BN Print: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/starlight-child-nancy-j-cohen/1028105982?ean=9781952886317
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/starlight-child-1
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=w2SyEAAAQBAJ
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1357373
Books2Read.com: https://books2read.com/StarlightChild
Indiebound: https://bookshop.org/p/books/starlight-child-nancy-j-cohen/19909852?ean=9781952886317


Enter Here to win two books from Booklover’s Bench in our monthly giveaway.

Flash Giveaway June2023

I’m trying something new and will be doing a flash giveaway for an advance reading copy of Keeper of the Rings, one of my earlier sci-fi romances. It’s Indiana Jones meets Romancing the Stone when an archaeologist and her mysterious protector search for a stolen sacred artifact on a distant planet. If you’d like a chance to win in exchange for posting an honest review on Amazon (and anywhere else you post), please leave a comment below. U.S. Residents only, please. Winner will be contacted by email and announced here in one week.

Excerpt from Keeper of the Rings

Leena followed him toward a recess in the wall. Vines dangled from overhead like a curtain, as though warning trespassers to stay away.

Her breath hitched at the familiar sight of two stone helixcats, their faces partially eroded. They stood as sentinels on each side of the entrance.

“I’ll go first,” she said. “I’m familiar with these temples.”

Her discerning glance observed a gap farther inside. She squeezed through the narrow opening into an interior passageway. The walls glowed with a strange luminescence that thankfully provided illumination. She watched her footing as she made her way along, with Taurin at her heels. As the walls closed in on them, a musty odor entered her nose.

She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Don’t stray from the path. This temple might have hidden dangers.”

“Now you tell me.” His voice sounded loud in the confines of the tunnel.

“Maybe that’s why the excavation stopped,” she suggested. “The early explorers might not have been able to get past the obstacles. Grotus’s men wouldn’t have had much more success.”

Halting as she came to a wide archway, Leena glanced at the floor of the room past the arch. It consisted of a patchwork of evenly-shaped stones. At the other end of the cavernous room was another open archway flanked by two huge stone statues. But what made her emit a soft cry was what she saw in between.

“What is it?” Taurin said, peering over her shoulder.

“Nothing good.” Leena pointed to the bones littering the chamber ahead.


Have you ever explored a scary place? 

Win an ARC of KEEPER OF THE RINGS, a thrilling sci-fi romance mixed with myth & mystery #scifi #romance #giveaway Share on X

Moonlight Rhapsody – New Print Edition

I am excited to announce a new trade paperback edition of Moonlight Rhapsody, #2 in The Light-Year Series. This title was previously published by Dorchester and has been revised with added bonus materials. It’s also available in e-book format.

Moonlight Rhapsody


Published by Orange Grove Press
Digital ISBN: 978-1-952886-07-2
Print ISBN: 978-1-952886-30-0
Cover Design by The Killion Group, Inc.
Interior Design by www.formatting4U.com

Disguised as a trader, Lord Rolf Cam’brii travels to the slave planet Souk on a secret mission to establish contact with the resistance. But when his ship crashes during an ion storm, he’s captured and thrown into a forced labor camp. Here he catches the eye of the beautiful female overseer, Ilyssa.

Ilyssa possesses the gift of siren song with the power to drive men mad, but no one realizes she’s a prisoner, too. Her parents are being held hostage by an overlord who uses her to control his enemies. Until Rolf’s arrival, she’s had no hope of escape. But now with his help, she could rescue her parents and leave the planet, if she can convince him to trust her.

Although Rolf doubts Ilyssa’s story, he accepts her proposal. They flee the labor camp and embark on a dangerous cross-country journey to freedom. Along the way, their attraction to each other grows. However, Ilyssa’s gift comes with a price, and to succumb to passion means losing her gift of song. Dare she risk everything for love?


“A well-conceived plot, great characters, enough future technology and aliens to satisfy the dedicated science fiction fan, and a sensual romance all come together in a terrific story that will appeal to romance and science fiction readers alike.” The Paperback Forum

“An enchanting blend of futuristic romance and fantasy that lends itself to a totally immersive read.” Muddy Rose Reviews

“Scintillating and heart-stopping! Ms. Cohen has proven herself a master of this genre.” Rendezvous

“Nancy Cohen provides her readers with a swift-moving, thrilling futuristic romance. This tale, which could be sold as either a romance or a science fiction, will provide readers of either genre with a confectionary treat too sweet to resist.” The Talisman

“Nancy Cohen has a visionary gift of writing about the future in a manner that makes it seem like it’s happening today.” Affaire de Coeur


“Look at me,” Ilyssa commanded. When he’d raised his face, she said in a purposefully loud voice, “I have brought you here to act as my personal server.” 

Surprise sprang into his crystal blue eyes, but he stayed silent as she continued. 

“I’ll expect you to assist me with my meals, keep my chamber clean, maintain my wardrobe, and satisfy any other needs of mine that may arise. Hopefully, in time, you will grow to anticipate my requirements. You’ll sleep in the adjacent parlor. That way, you’ll be close at hand if I want you during the night.” 

“Pardon, mistress, but I’m not exactly clear on my duties,” he said in a soft tone. “You wish me to maintain your suite and serve your meals, but what else am I to do?” 

“My name is Ilyssa. You may call me that in private.” 

As she rattled off a list of chores, Rolf listened carefully, but it was the unspoken duties that worried him. She’d said she might want him during the night. That meant only one thing as far as he was concerned. She expected him to service her personally. Rolf wondered if he would be able to perform under forced circumstances. 

Studying her physical attributes, he decided it wouldn’t be too difficult. Soft waves of auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders. Tiny wisps framed a face with features so perfect they might have been chiseled from porcelain. Her eyes were a remarkable shade of green flecked with gold. His gaze drew to her lips, perfectly contoured for a man’s kisses. She was lovely, but with the beauty of an ice queen. It didn’t extend to her heart.


New in Print - MOONLIGHT RHAPSODY, #2 in the Light-Years Series #fantasy #scifiromance Share on X

If you haven’t read my first book in the Light-Years series, CIRCLE OF LIGHT, enter to win it now along with 36 other Paranormal, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Romances AND a brand new eReader! CLICK HERE to enter June 5 – 14, 2023.


Enter Now to win two free books at Booklovers Bench in our June 1 – 22 Giveaway


Coming Next in Print: Starlight Child, #3 in the Light-Years Series on July 11, 2023

Root Beer and Royalty

Check out my latest guest blog post, upcoming release, and two giveaways below!

Root Beer Cake Recipe

Want a recipe for Root Beer Cake? Learn about the history of root beer and get a cake recipe on my post at Lois Winston’s Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers. Also see how the drink relates to the pioneer village in STAR TANGLED MURDER. Comments Welcome!


New Print Edition

A desperate nobleman captured as a spy and a sultry songstress test the limits of their relationship as they flee their enemies on an outlawed planet in MOONLIGHT RHAPSODY – “An enchanting blend of futuristic romance and fantasy that lends itself to a totally immersive read.” Pre-Order the trade paperback edition due for release June 13th or read the ebook now –

Moonlight Rhapsody


June 1 – 22

CLICK HERE to win two free books at Booklovers Bench in our June Giveaway


June 5 – June 14

Escape to other worlds by entering to win 37 Paranormal, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Romances, including my book, CIRCLE OF LIGHT, and a brand new eReader! ENTER HERE!


My June newsletter is going out soon. Sign up here and don’t miss an issue! 




Circle of Light – New Print Edition

I am excited to offer a new trade paperback edition of Circle of Light, #1 in The Light-Year Series. This title was originally published by Dorchester and has been revised with added bonus materials. The idea came as a dream, and when I woke up, I realized I had to finish the story. Circle of Light was my first published book and winner of the HOLT Medallion Award. If you’re in the mood for an escapist read with adventure, mystery, and romance, this is the book for you.

Circle of Light

Published by Orange Grove Press
Digital ISBN: 978-1-952886-06-5
Print ISBN: 978-1-952886-29-4
Cover Design by The Killion Group, Inc.
Interior Design by www.formatting4U.com

Attorney Sarina Bretton believes in facts, not fantasies of faraway planets. Then Captain Teir Reylock of the Coalition Defense League kidnaps her from Earth and whisks her to worlds she couldn’t have imagined. While she’s stunned at first, Sarina is even more astonished when Teir says he’s taking her to marry a member of the High Council. Through this union, she is destined to become the legendary Great Healer and save the galaxy from a devastating plague.

At the capital city of Bimordus Two, Sarina discovers the wonders of an advanced civilization. She also awakens to her passion for Teir, who is assigned as her personal bodyguard. He returns her regard, but he’s sworn to duty. He must protect Sarina from the Coalition’s enemies and from his own desire. If Sarina fails to fulfill the legend, the law decrees she’ll be executed. The only way they can be together is to unlock the legend’s secrets and expose the hidden truth.


“This action-packed novel will excite and satiate fans of science fiction and romance works alike. Nancy Cohen is a tremendous talent whose novel will remind readers of the Star Wars trilogy.” The Talisman

“Nancy J. Cohen is a writer whose amazing talent propels readers into a universe filled with strange new worlds, amazing technologies, and unusual species that would have made George Lucas sit up and take notice.” Affaire de Coeur

Circle of Light is a well-constructed futuristic romance that will appeal even to die-hard Star Trek and general science fiction readers. Great plot, believable aliens, and interesting locations.” The Paperback Trader

“Nancy Cohen sparks your imagination and melts your heart with her wonderful tale of galactic adventure and star-crossed lovers.” Marilyn Campbell, award-winning author of The Innerworld Affairs series

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CIRCLE OF LIGHT blends sci-fi, mystery and romance into a fast-paced, escapist tale. #spaceopera #romance Share on X


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Warrior Lord Reissue

I am excited to announce the reissue of Warrior Lord, Book Three in the Drift Lords Series. This title was previously published by The Wild Rose Press. A fantasy wedding in Las Vegas turns into a nightmare when contest winner Erika Sherwood realizes she’s married an alien in this action-packed fantasy paranormal romance novel.

Warrior Lord

Book Three in The Drift Lords Series
Copyright © 2014 by Nancy J. Cohen
Published by Orange Grove Press
Digital ISBN: 978-1-952886-15-7
Cover Design by The Killion Group, Inc.

Pottery sculptor Erika Sherwood marries a stranger at a Las Vegas casino after they win a game together and agree to split the reward. It isn’t until her life is threatened that Erika realizes the wedding was for real and her husband is an alien. A warrior from another planet, he’s come to Earth to quell an invasion of beasts from another dimension.

With their location exposed, Erika and her new husband need to make a fast escape. They plunge into a whirlwind of danger, passion, and heart-pounding suspense in their pursuit of a weapon that can defeat the enemy. More alarming are the feelings Erika develops for the taciturn warrior. Will he leave her when their mission is done?

A Drift Lord and swordsman of the Tsuran, Magnor tricks the redhead into marriage when he realizes she is one of six women prophesied to save Earth. But as they race to prevent an apocalypse, he wonders if he risks his heart more than his life.

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Cameras aimed at her, and a wedding march blasted from the speaker system. She resisted the urge to press a hand to her aching temples.

Magnor waited for her under the canopy where myriads of tiny lights twinkled. He looked proud and tall, an unreadable expression on his face as he watched her step forward. His cape swung behind him, making him look like an avenging god with his impressive height and sword.

She took her place at his side and together they faced Dennis. The official held an open book in his hands. Dennis began the brief ceremony, his words bypassing her brain as she stood rooted in place, immobilized by the rapid pace of events.

“With the power invested in me by the State of Nevada and the city of Las Vegas, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Erika’s head whirled. Not even fifteen minutes must have gone by. Was this what passed for a Las Vegas wedding?

What a sham. She supposed that every minute they were on the air, it cost money.

Magnor’s head descended, and he pressed his mouth to hers. As far as the TV viewers were concerned, they’d been married. The exchange of rings had felt real. She wondered who’d given him the one he’d slid onto her finger. Dennis, most likely.

The ruddy-faced official shook their hands, gave Magnor the key to the honeymoon suite, and said their new car would be available for pickup from the valet. As for the cash, it was theirs for the taking. He handed them a large-sized signed check made out to Mr. and Mrs. Magnor.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Dennis said. “I’ll need your signatures on these documents, please. It’s simply a formality, but we do need permission for the resort to use your likenesses for publicity. These papers also include transfer of title to the car, tax forms and such.”

Erika signed with a shaky hand. In her frazzled state, she couldn’t be bothered to read the details.

Magnor followed suit, then grasped her hand in his and raised it in the air. The watching throng cheered loudly.

“That’s it then, wife.” His low, rumbly voice broke through the haze in her head. “You’re mine now.”


“Cohen’s third book in her Drift Lords series is an action-packed thrill ride from start to finish. She effortlessly blends fact with Norse mythology and fiction to create a fabulous tale, layered in detail and rich in texture.” Muddy Rose Reviews

Warrior Lord held me spellbound with this story of soul mates trying to save the world. This book has action, adventure, and romance. If that is not enough for you, this book will have you at the edge of your seat. I love mythological beings and incorporating them into a modern story takes a lot of skill and creativity…A great read.” Drue’s Random Chatter

“A fun combination of action, adventure, sci-fi, mystery, mythology, and romance. I loved this book and cannot get enough Drift Lords.” WiLoveBooks

“I really felt connected to these characters. This is an entertaining read and definitely will leave you satisfied.” The Book Maven

Warrior Lord is a fast-paced science fiction tale with suspense and romance. Erika, the sculptor from Earth and Magnor, a warrior lord on a mission to find the book of Odin, fall in love while fighting his enemies. A very-well written book that kept me reading and guessing until the last page.” Reader Forever

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A fantasy wedding in Las Vegas turns into a nightmare when contest winner Erika Sherwood realizes she’s married an alien. WARRIOR LORD #pnr #fantasy #romance Share on X


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