Warrior Lord – New Print Edition

Warrior Lord, #3 in the Drift Lords Series, is now available in a new trade paperback author’s edition. This title was previously published by The Wild Rose Press. A dream wedding in Las Vegas turns into a nightmare when contest winner Erika Sherwood realizes she’s married an alien.

Warrior Lord

Published by Orange Grove Press
Digital ISBN: 978-1-952886-15-7
Print ISBN: 978-1-952886-34-8
Cover Design by The Killion Group, Inc.
Interior Design by Formatting4u.com

Pottery sculptor Erika Sherwood accepts a challenge from a stranger at a Las Vegas casino. The man named Magnor proposes they pretend to be engaged to win a contest with a rich reward. It seems like a sweet deal, except for one point. The winners will be married in a televised segment right after the competition. In a moment of recklessness, Erika accepts Magnor’s proposal.

Much to their surprise, they win and are pushed into a whirlwind wedding on live TV. Once they’re alone, Magnor proclaims he’s a space warrior sent to Earth to stop an alien invasion. He’s searching for a powerful weapon, and he needs Erika’s legendary powers to help locate it.

When they’re attacked by alien soldiers, Erika realizes he’s telling the truth. They’re sucked into a maelstrom of danger as they evade the enemy. But even more alarming are the growing feelings Erika has for her new husband. Once his mission succeeds, he’ll return to the stars. Can she convince him to stay and turn their marriage into a reality?


“A fun combination of action, adventure, sci-fi, mystery, mythology, and romance. I loved this book and cannot get enough Drift Lords.” WiLoveBooks

“Cohen’s third book in her Drift Lords series is an action-packed thrill ride from start to finish. She effortlessly blends fact with Norse mythology and fiction to create a fabulous tale, layered in detail and rich in texture.” Muddy Rose Reviews

Warrior Lord is a fast-paced science fiction tale with suspense and romance. A well-written book that kept me reading and guessing until the last page.” Reader Forever 

“Another great installment of Nancy Cohen’s series that combines sci-fi romance, action/adventure, and Norse mythology! Recommended for anyone who loves lots of action and sexy romance.” Alyssa Maxwell, author of the Gilded Newport Mysteries

Warrior Lord held me spellbound with this story of soul mates trying to save the world. If that is not enough for you, this book will have you at the edge of your seat. A great read.” Drue’s Random Chatter


Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KDHPJHF
Amazon Print: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1952886341/
Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6448873701
BN Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warrior-lord-nancy-j-cohen/1120033032?ean=2940161037072
BN Print: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warrior-lord-nancy-j-cohen/1120033032?ean=9781952886348
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/warrior-lord-3
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=LHG9EAAAQBAJ
Books2Read: https://books2read.com/Warrior-Lord
Indiebound: https://bookshop.org/p/books/warrior-lord-nancy-j-cohen/20102232?ean=9781952886348


Cameras aimed at her, and a wedding march blasted from the speaker system. She resisted the urge to press a hand to her aching temples.

Magnor waited for her under the canopy where myriads of tiny lights twinkled. He looked proud and tall, an unreadable expression on his face as he watched her step forward. His cape swung behind him, making him look like an avenging god with his impressive height and sword.

She took her place at his side and together they faced Dennis. The official held an open book in his hands. Dennis began the brief ceremony, his words bypassing her brain as she stood rooted in place, immobilized by the rapid pace of events.

“With the power invested in me by the State of Nevada and the city of Las Vegas, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Erika’s head whirled. Not even fifteen minutes must have gone by. Was this what passed for a Las Vegas wedding?

What a sham. She supposed that every minute they were on the air, it cost money.

Magnor’s head descended, and he pressed his mouth to hers. As far as the TV viewers were concerned, they’d been married. The exchange of rings had felt real. She wondered who’d given him the one he’d slid onto her finger. Dennis, most likely.

The ruddy-faced official shook their hands, gave Magnor the key to the honeymoon suite, and said their new car would be available for pickup from the valet. As for the cash prize, it was theirs for the taking. He handed them a large-sized signed check made out to Mr. and Mrs. Magnor.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Dennis said. “I’ll need your signatures on these documents, please. It’s simply a formality, but we do need permission for the resort to use your likenesses for publicity. These papers also include transfer of title to the car, tax forms and such.”

Erika signed with a shaky hand. In her frazzled state, she couldn’t be bothered to read the details.

Magnor followed suit, then grasped her hand in his and raised it in the air. The watching throng cheered loudly.

“That’s it then, wife.” His low, rumbly voice broke through the haze in her head. “You’re mine now.”

New Print Release WARRIOR LORD A dream wedding in Las Vegas turns into a nightmare when contest winner Erika Sherwood realizes she's married an alien. #alienromance #fantasy #romance Share on X

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Warrior Rogue – New Print Release

I am excited to announce a new trade paperback edition of Warrior Rogue, #2 in the Drift Lords Series. A fashion designer and a space warrior race to fulfill an ancient prophecy and save the world in this magical blend of science fiction and fantasy romance.

Published by Orange Grove Press
Printed in the United States of America
Digital ISBN: 978-1-952886-14-0
Print ISBN: 978-1-952886-33-1
Cover Design by The Killion Group, Inc.
Interior Design by Formatting4u.com

Fashion designer Jennifer Dyhr lands a job as costumer for a video-game commercial being filmed in Japan. When their lead actor fails to show, Jen accepts responsibility since she’d recommended him for the role. A hunky replacement arrives, but her relief is short lived. Paz Hadar claims he’s a space warrior sent to save Earth from an alien invasion.

Space ops warrior Paz Hadar has fallen through a spatial rift onto Jen’s film set. He recognizes her as one of the legendary Earth women whose powers can defeat the enemy. The invaders, known as Trolleks, have opened a portal to access other worlds, and Paz’s job is to shut it down. He needs Jen’s dormant powers to succeed.

Jen doesn’t believe Paz’s stories about myths and magic until alien soldiers attack them on the flight home, and they’re stranded on a remote island. As they struggle to stay one step ahead of the enemy, she discovers that fighting her attraction to the dashing Drift Lord is as much of a challenge as staying alive.

Finalist in the Carolyn Reader’s Choice Awards and the Reader’s Crown Awards


Amazon Kindle – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KCC9F1N
Amazon Print: https://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Rogue-Drift-Lords-Nancy/dp/1952886333/
Apple Books: http://books.apple.com/us/book/warrior-rogue/id6448665977
BN Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warrior-rogue-nancy-j-cohen/1115236378?ean=2940160921648
BN Print: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/warrior-rogue-nancy-j-cohen/1115236378?ean=9781952886331
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/warrior-rogue-1
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=QGK8EAAAQBAJ
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1386859
Indiebound: https://bookshop.org/p/books/warrior-rogue-nancy-j-cohen/20067448?ean=9781952886331
Books2Read: https://books2read.com/WarriorRogue


Jen tilted her head, taking the plunge. “I’m just wondering where we’re going with us.”

“Are you embarrassed because of my job, is that it?”

“I brought you home to meet my parents, didn’t I?”

“That’s not a proper answer.”

She folded her arms across her chest. “All right, I really like you. I want to be with you. But what happens when your mission is over?”

His gaze hardened. “I go back to my job.”

“Exactly. You leave me. You leave Earth.”

“Why, would you come with me?” For a moment, something flickered behind his expression.

“Not if you’re a space jockey hopping from one port to another. I want to settle down and have a family.”

“Well, then I guess you’ll have to look for someone more stable and suitable to your goals.”

Hurt and disappointment slashed through her. “I guess so. Someone like you can never understand drive and ambition. You just know how to kiss women or kill people.”

He grinned, but his eyes were two cold ice chips. “I’m very good at killing, Jen. It’s my best trait. Too bad you don’t count that among your requirements for a mate.”


“Cohen’s futuristic, paranormal romance series blends aspects of science fiction with magic and mythology then tops it off with steamy sexy scenes that are so hot you will need a fan and a mint julep drink to cool off… “I love the Drift Lords so much I dream of having one of my own.” Manic Readers

“It had a Romancing the Stone feel to it that I really liked.” Musings and Ramblings

“Romance, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, all rolled up into one neat package that keeps you on the edge of your seat. There’s a good dose of humor and passion with a satisfying ending. What really appealed to me was the present-day setting. Highly recommended.” Haley’s Comments

“This is a book you will devour in one fell swoop! Nancy J. Cohen has created a very realistic world with characters you cannot help but love.” Faerie Tale Books


New Release Day!

Today is the official launch day for Warrior Lord, book #3 in the Drift Lords series. Join my LAUNCH PARTY today only 10am – 4 pm at https://www.facebook.com/NewReleaseParty   Giveaways all Day!

Warrior Lord

Pottery sculptor Erika Sherwood has no idea her televised wedding in Las Vegas is for real until an official confirms she and the stranger she’s just met are legitimately wed.

A Drift Lord and warrior of the Tsuran, Magnor tricks the redhead into marriage because she’s one of six women prophesied to save Earth. But as he’s forced into her company in their race against the apocalypse, he wonders if he risks his heart more than his life.

Can a free-spirited ceramic artist and a fierce swordsman trust each other enough to prevent disaster?



Add on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22710040-warrior-lord

Order at Wild Rose Press: http://www.wildrosepublishing.com/maincatalog_v151/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=831

Amazon Print: http://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Lord-Nancy-J-Cohen/dp/1628304456/

Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Drift-Lords-Nancy-Cohen-ebook/dp/B00MAUCB3W

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How to Foil a Trollek

WHAT TO DO IF YOU MEET A TROLLEK by Nira Larsen, grad student in comparative mythology

  • Trolleks move so fast, you’ll see them as a blur of speed. Go back-to-back with a friend so an ugly brute won’t surprise you from behind. Any weapon will do but watch out for their disruptor fire.
  • Don’t let a Trollek touch an exposed area of skin, or you’re a goner. You’ll be confounded, i.e. under their spell and compelled to do their bidding. Believe me, you’d rather be dead than be made a mind slave.
  • Be aware of the distinction between Trollek males and females. The males are ugly human-like creatures with large ears and noses. On the other hand, the females are beautiful and entice men with their hot looks and irresistible pheromones. Unlike their menfolk, Trollek females have no fondness for human women. If one of them mentions experiments and science lab in the same breath, run and hide.
  • Trollek females have some issues with their men. If a Trollek lady aims her sights on you, engage her in a feminist dialogue. It might distract her long enough for help to arrive.
  • Watch out for their allies: shapeshifter fire giants, elf kings, and vengeful Norse gods. You can’t trust anyone, especially if they can morph into a lizard or a wolf.
  • If a Trollek says, “The Devil made me do it,” believe him.
  • Trolleks have a fondness for mirrors. If confronted by a beastie, pull a mirrored compact from your purse and toss it at him while you run away.
  • Scream as though your lungs will burst and a Drift Lord might come to your aid. Hope he hasn’t applied his personal protection system if you want to thank him properly for your rescue.
  • Ring a bell if you encounter a Trollek. They don’t like loud noises and that might provide enough of a distraction for you to run away.
  • Legend says a weapon exists that can defeat these beasts. Follow the clues and you might find it. But hurry; the apocalypse is nearly upon us!


The Trolleks in my Drift Lords series are based on trolls from Norwegian legends. Some people say that certain rock formations may be trolls who have been turned into stone. What is your favorite fairy tale, myth, or legend?

Warrior Prince: The Drift Lords Series by Nancy J. Cohen

When mythologist and Florida resident Nira Larsen accepts a job as tour guide for a mysterious stranger, she’s drawn into a nightmare reality where ancient myths come alive and legendary evils seek to destroy her. To survive, she must awaken her dormant powers, but the only person who can help is the man whose touch inflames her passion.

After a dimensional rift in the Bermuda Triangle cracks open and an ancient enemy invades Earth, Zohar—leader of the galactic warriors known as the Drift Lords—summons his troops. He doesn’t count on a redheaded spitfire getting in his way and capturing his heart. Nira has the power to defeat the enemy and to enslave Zohar’s soul. Can he trust her enough to accomplish his mission, or will she lure him to his doom?

Watch the Trailer: http://youtu.be/aVm2FIumw0o

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Movies as Inspiration


TROLL (1986)

Michael Moriarty, Shelley Hack, and Noah Hathaway

A troll king searches for an emerald ring that will transform him back to human. His search is centered in a San Francisco apartment building where a boy lives whose name is Harry Potter. This boy discovers he is special and only his wizardly powers can save the world. Hmm…Does this scenario and character name sound familiar?

THOR (2011)

Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins, and Natalie Portman

Thor disobeys his father and garners the wrath of the frost giants. As punishment, he’s cast from the celestial home of the gods in Asgard and sent to Earth minus his superpowers. Here he meets scientist Jane Forster and learns compassion for the mortals on Earth. Their lives are threatened when Thor’s estranged brother Loki decides to conquer the world for himself. Wondrous world building, special effects, and superheroes make this an entertaining film, but the father-son relationships at the heart of the story are what makes it memorable.


Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, and Orlando Bloom

Hobbit Frodo Baggins and friends go on a quest to throw an evil ring into the pit of fire where it was forged in order to destroy it. Various nasty creatures try to stop them. Excellent world building and a classic example of epic fantasy.

PRINCE OF PERSIA: The Sands of Time (2010)
Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, and Ben Kingsley

A young prince invades an enemy city and steals a dagger containing the sands of time.Too late, he realizes the mistake he’s committed. Forced to flee after being accused of murdering the king, he wonders if he can use the magic sands to reverse time, correct the wrongs, and prevent an evil plot to change the world. Helping him is the princess whose land he had invaded. This film is pure escapist fun.


Saoirse Ronan, Toby Jones, and Bill Murray

The people of Ember rely on their electrical generator for power, without which their mysterious world would go black. Lighting fluctuations cause alarm to the citizens but none more than two children who suspect there may be an escape route leading out of the city. But the rules forbid anyone from venturing beyond the borders, and the corrupt Mayor is quick to punish transgressors. Clues left by a previous official may lead our heroes to the answers, if the Mayor doesn’t capture them first. This fascinating YA science fiction adventure sticks in your mind.


Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint

Wizard Harry Potter and his friends face a final battle against evil Lord Voldemort and his allies at the Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. I kept these scenes in mind when crafting the final battle between my heroes and their foes.


Cody Deal, Patricia Velasquez, Richard Grieco, Kevin Nash


This cheesy, low-budget film starts out with Loki arising from the fires of the Underworld. He seeks the Hammer of Invincibility so he can destroy the Tree of Life that supports the nine realms. From Hell, he opens a gateway to Asgard where he attacks Odin, the ruler of the gods, and his sons, Thor and Baldir. Loki, a black-cloaked figure who speaks like a New Yorker, wields his magic through a bone wand with a globe on its end. He summons the Garmr, three monsters to aid him.

“This portends to be an evil day,” says Odin before he consults the 3 Norns. His dreams of stars turning black means destruction, the goddesses tell him. The magic hammer is the only weapon that can destroy the Tree of Life, and Odin must give it to Loki. Ragnarok, the end of the world, is upon them.

Through trickery, Loki kills Baldir and slays Odin. The dying Odin begs Thor to retrieve the hammer. “You’re our chance to change the fate of gods.”

Jarnsaxa, a servant of Odin, rescues Thor from Loki’s grasp. “Find them. Kill the girl anyway you like but Thor lives for now,” Loki orders his minions.

The girl leads Thor to the gateway for Midgard. She had been second in command under Odin’s father of the Valkyries and teaches him warrior skills.

Loki’s beast finds them and they escape through the portal to Los Angeles. J. lives there and takes him home. “This does not seem like the dwelling of a demi-goddess,” Thor says upon surveying her modest apartment. She claims she has to live like a human while in Midgard and shows him a gun. They don long coats as disguises and set off to find the Tree of Life. “Humans don’t believe in it anymore,” the girl claims with a hint of sadness. They pass through another portal. Thor feels the essence of life inside the great tree beating like a heart. Before he can near the center, a guardian knight challenges him. Thor wins the battle and retrieves the magic hammer. He and the girl return to Midgard.

Loki arrives in L.A. in his spiky black armor and cape and tries to trick Thor into betraying the girl. Thor fights him and wins his wand, tipped with the bone of Urrl. Loki claims it can release Odin and Baldin from Hel, but Thor doesn’t believe him and kills Loki.

The girl says Thor must get rid of the wand because it’s the devil’s tool. Then Loki materializes in front of them. “I killed you,” Thor says in astonishment. “Killed me? I never was alive.”

Loki summons a monster to keep Thor from going with the girl to Vahalla to train for battle.

Thor harnesses the power of the hammer to fight them. The girl kills the beast.

Thor is wounded but the girl saves him. They attempt to escape but Loki holds them baack. Thor heals himself with a magic potion. The girl is hurt when he finds her. As she dies and Thor sobs over her body, she turns into Loki. Having deceived Thor, Loki snatches the hammer from him.

Loki unleashes monsters who tear apart L.A. causing fires and destruction. He keeps Thor and the girl bound and forces them to watch. “It is the end of life, the end of time, the end of you…Soon the nine realms will no longer exist.” He hurtles the girl into the fiery depths of Hel and Thor is next. Loki passes through the gateway to the Tree of Life and demolishes it.

Thor realizes he is unable to stop Fate. Ragnarok comes. While in Hel, he forges a new hammer and returns to Midgard. With renewed vigor, Thor battles Loki. “Nothing is over. We control our own fate.” Thor defeats Loki, heals the Tree, and life blossoms again.

If you’re looking for purely escapist entertainment, this film will provide that much. But there are barely any actors involved except for the three principles mentioned. The dialogue is as over the top as the acting. See Thor with Chris Hemsworth for a movie worth its weight.

Do you watch a movie and get inspired to read the book, or do you read the book first and then watch the movie?


Warrior Prince: The Drift Lords Series by Nancy J. Cohen

When mythologist and Florida resident Nira Larsen accepts a job as tour guide for a mysterious stranger, she’s drawn into a nightmare reality where ancient myths come alive and legendary evils seek to destroy her. To survive, she must awaken her dormant powers, but the only person who can help is the man whose touch inflames her passion.

After a dimensional rift in the Bermuda Triangle cracks open and an ancient enemy invades Earth, Zohar—leader of the galactic warriors known as the Drift Lords—summons his troops. He doesn’t count on a redheaded spitfire getting in his way and capturing his heart. Nira has the power to defeat the enemy and to enslave Zohar’s soul. Can he trust her enough to accomplish his mission, or will she lure him to his doom?

Watch the Trailer: http://youtu.be/aVm2FIumw0o

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Troll Trivia

Trolls have been around in mythology from the early days. Let’s see how much you know about them. Why the interest? Since my series is based on Norse mythology, my bad guys are evil trolls called Trolleks. Remember the adage: Know your enemy.

TROLL TRIVIA by Nancy J. Cohen

1. A troll comes from which mythology:
a. Norse
b. Greek
c. Roman
d. Native American

2. Trolls have abnormally large:
a. Skulls
b. Noses
c. Knees
d. Stomachs

3. Trolls prefer to live:
a. Around lakes
b. In fertile valleys
c. Underground
d. In the woods

4. Trolls are often portrayed as:
a. Hunched
b. Large
c. Short
e. Fat

5. You can tell a Trollek female by her:
a. Beauty
b. Golden hair
c. Tail
d. Cunning eyes

6. Trolls have the power to:
a. Become invisible
b. Turn metal into gold
c. Fly
d. Breathe underwater

7. Trolls can be killed by:
a. Loud noises
b. Sunlight
c. Electricity
d. Water

8. Trolls will often:
a. Fight
b. Eat
c. Steal
e. Lie

ANSWERS: 1.A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C

I’ll be talking in more detail about trolls on Monday over at Coffee Time Romance.

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Warrior Prince: The Drift Lords Series by Nancy J. Cohen

When mythologist and Florida resident Nira Larsen accepts a job as tour guide for a mysterious stranger, she’s drawn into a nightmare reality where ancient myths come alive and legendary evils seek to destroy her. To survive, she must awaken her dormant powers, but the only person who can help is the man whose touch inflames her passion.

After a dimensional rift in the Bermuda Triangle cracks open and an ancient enemy invades Earth, Zohar—leader of the galactic warriors known as the Drift Lords—summons his troops. He doesn’t count on a redheaded spitfire getting in his way and capturing his heart. Nira has the power to defeat the enemy and to enslave Zohar’s soul. Can he trust her enough to accomplish his mission, or will she lure him to his doom?

Watch the Trailer: http://youtu.be/aVm2FIumw0o

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Radio Interview with Nira Larsen

INTERVIEWER: “Let’s welcome mythologist Nira Larsen who has something important to tell you.”

NIRA: “Hello, my name is Nira Larsen. I have important information on a dire threat to mankind. It’s crucial that you listen.” [Gives furtive glance over her shoulder.]

INTERVIEWER: “Can you elaborate, Miss Larsen?”

NIRA: “There’s been a breach in the space/time continuum. I know this is hard to believe, but evil creatures from another dimension have invaded our world. They’re called Trolleks, and they mean to enslave us.”

INTERVIEWER: [Laughs] “Come on, is this some kind of hoax?”

NIRA: “I’m serious. Trolleks look like us, with some differences. The males have large hands and feet and long, ugly noses. The females are beautiful. They give off an irresistible scent that lures people in. Then they put a spell on you so you’ll do whatever they say. Watch out for your neighbors. You don’t know who’s been confounded.”

INTERVIEWER: “What do you mean by ‘confounded’?”

NIRA: “Spellbound into becoming a mind slave. You can’t tell who’s under their influence. Rumor says they’ve already infiltrated world governments. We’re all in terrible danger.”

INTERVIEWER: [Looks askance] “What do they hope to gain by this subterfuge?”

NIRA: [Startled by a noise in the background] “They need us for genetic experiments. But that’s not the worst. The real threat is—”

[A white flash ensues, and the station goes off the air.]

The Invasion Begins…..


If you heard this on a newscast, would you right away figure it was a hoax? Or would you turn the channel to see if other stations reported something similar?


Warrior Prince: The Drift Lords Series by Nancy J. Cohen

When mythologist and Florida resident Nira Larsen accepts a job as tour guide for a mysterious stranger, she’s drawn into a nightmare reality where ancient myths come alive and legendary evils seek to destroy her. To survive, she must awaken her dormant powers, but the only person who can help is the man whose touch inflames her passion.

After a dimensional rift in the Bermuda Triangle cracks open and an ancient enemy invades Earth, Zohar—leader of the galactic warriors known as the Drift Lords—summons his troops. He doesn’t count on a redheaded spitfire getting in his way and capturing his heart. Nira has the power to defeat the enemy and to enslave Zohar’s soul. Can he trust her enough to accomplish his mission, or will she lure him to his doom?

Watch the Trailer: http://youtu.be/aVm2FIumw0o

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