Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour

Follow my Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour March 15 – 25 for reviews, spotlights, author interviews, guest posts and giveaways to celebrate the release of STAR TANGLED MURDER, #18 in the Bad Hair Day Mysteries. I will be updating this site with permalinks so stop by here or my Appearances tab for the latest.

March 15 – Fundinmental – REVIEW

March 15 – I’m Into Books – SPOTLIGHT

March 16 – The Mystery Section – SPOTLIGHT & EXCERPT

March 16 – Carla Loves To Read – REVIEW, GUEST POST “Corn and Crime” & RECIPE

March 17 – Jane Reads – GUEST POST “Holidays and Homicide”

March 17 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author – SPOTLIGHT


March 18 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 19 – Cozy Up WIth Kathy – GUEST POST “History and Mystery” & GIVEAWAY

March 19 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

March 20 – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic – GUEST POST “Tales of Lost Treasure”

March 20 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

March 21 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT

March 21 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 21 – Cinnamon and Sugar and A Little Bit of Murder – REVIEW, Salmon Mini Quiches RECIPE, & GIVEAWAY

March 22 – Novels Alive – REVIEW

March 22 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT & GIVEAWAY

March 23 – Baroness Book Trove – CHARACTER INTERVIEW – “Interview with Marla Vail”

March 23 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW & GIVEAWAY

March 24 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 24 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT & GIVEAWAY

March 25 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT

Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour with Nancy J. Cohen Share on X


Star Tangled Murder Complete Book Tour Schedule

Follow my complete virtual book tour to celebrate the release of STAR TANGLED MURDER, #18 in the Bad Hair Day Mysteries. Join in for reviews, spotlights, author interviews, guest posts and giveaways! I will update this as reviews and permalinks come in, so please stop by again either here or at my Appearances tab for the latest.

Jan. 4 – Sunhusky’s Daisy Reads 2 – REVIEW

Jan. 15 – Mostly Cozy Librarian – REVIEW

March 1 – Donovan’s Bookshelf – REVIEW

March 1, The Big Thrill – INTERVIEW

March 1, Baroness’ Book Trove – REVIEW

March 10 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW

March 11 – Dru’s Book Musing – “Coming Week of March 12, 2023”

March 12 – MJB Reviewers – New Releases for the Week of March 12, 2023

March 13 – The Book Diva’s Reads – BOOK SHOWCASE

March 13 – Socrates’ Book Reviews – REVIEW

March 14 – Storeybook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

March 14 – BookGoodies – SPOTLIGHT

Tuesday, March 14, 7:00 – 8:30 pm EDTBOOK LAUNCH PARTY
Facebook Party with Fun & Prizes!

March 15 – Mystery Reads – Spotlight


March 15 – Fundinmental – REVIEW

March 15 – I’m Into Books – SPOTLIGHT

March 16 – The Mystery Section – SPOTLIGHT & EXCERPT

March 16 – Carla Loves To Read – REVIEW & GUEST POST “Corn and Crime” & RECIPE

March 16 – Dru’s Book Musings – GUEST POST “A Day in my Life by Marla Vail” 

Friday, March 17, 7:00 to 8:00 pm EDT – AUTHOR TAKEOVER
Facebook Event with Fun & Prizes!

March 17 – Jane Reads – GUEST POST “Holidays and Homicide”

March 17 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author – SPOTLIGHT

March 17- MJB Reviewers – REVIEW


March 18 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 19 – Cozy Up WIth Kathy – GUEST POST “History and Mystery”

March 19 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

March 20 – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic – GUEST POST “Tales of Lost Treasure”

March 20 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

March 21 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT

March 21 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 21 – Cinnamon and Sugar and A Little Bit of Murder – REVIEW, “Salmon Mini Quiches” RECIPE, & Giveaway

March 22 – Novels Alive – REVIEW

March 22 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT & GIVEAWAY

March 23 – Baroness Book Trove – CHARACTER INTERVIEW – “Interview with Marla Vail”

March 23 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW & GIVEAWAY

March 24 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 24 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT & GIVEAWAY

March 24 – KRL News & Reviews – REVIEW & GIVEAWAY

March 25 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT

March 28 – Denise Swanson’s Mysteries, Romances, and More – GIVEAWAY

March 28 – Denise Swanson’s Mysteries, Romances, and More – GIVEAWAY

March 29 – Cozy Mystery Book Reviews – REVIEW

April 1 – Dru’s Book Musings – INTERVIEW “A Word with the Author”

Follow Nancy J. Cohen's Complete Book Tour for STAR TANGLED MURDER Share on X


Enter Here March 12 – 27 to win a signed copy of “Star Tangled Murder” and a Box of White Tea


Enter Here March 1 – 18 to win a free book at Booklover’s Bench


Timetable for Upcoming Events

November is my birthday month, and we have a lot to celebrate! Here’s a rundown of upcoming events. More detailed posts will follow in the next few days.

Upcoming Events

Nov. 12 – 24 Virtual Book Tour

Nov. 16 Book Launch Party 7:00 – 8:30 pm EST

Nov. 16STYLED FOR MURDER Release Date

Nov. 16 – 30 “Permed to Death” (book #1 in my series) on sale for 99 cents

Thanksgiving Weekend – Happy Birthday to me and Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Happy Birthday  Happy Thanksgiving


Enter to Win a free book Nov. 1-18 at Booklovers Bench



Booksigning Checklist

Are you a new author facing your first booksigning event? Or maybe you’re a seasoned player and you haven’t done one in a while. Here’s a checklist of what to bring. Some authors scatter chocolate kisses or other candy on the table, but I’ve found this practice only attracts children to snatch the candy. It doesn’t entice anyone to buy a book, but it does make your display look snappy. Always offer passersby a bookmark or other item. If they’re too intimated to check out your books now, they might read your material and order them later.  

Autographed by Author Stickers (optional; not all readers want a sticker on their signed book)

Book Cover of Next Release


Books to Donate (optional; can be used for a library donation, for a door prize, or as a giveaway to audience members who ask questions)

Box of Books (for when you sell your own; otherwise keep in car trunk in case bookseller doesn’t come through)

Bottle of Water

Business Cards

Calculator (if you are selling your own books)

Camera (if you want pix of your event for your website, Facebook page, etc.)

Cash (if you are selling your own books)

Conference/Membership Brochures (to promote your local writing organizations)


Laptop or iPad (optional; to showcase your book video)

Mailing List Sign-up Sheet

Notice of Upcoming Appearances (in case they want to catch you at another event)

Poster (optional; ask your publisher for one or make your own)

Sharpie ultra fine point black ink permanent markers

Wheels (to carry boxes of books when you bring your own; look in luggage store for folding wheels)

Lake County Festival of Reading

The Lake County Library System holds a week-long reading festival each year. It must be the best attended library event in the state.  Friday night, March 19, found my husband and I along with 20 other authors at a delightful Author’s Reception in Leesburg Library. Leesburg doesn’t seem like a big town, but the library is a two-story modern building with a café. While waiters circulated with canapes, we met library patrons, readers, staff members, and fellow writers. We had the opportunity to schmooze and hand out promo materials. It was a great event for mingling and getting to know everyone. I knew many faces: Agent and author Lucienne Diver from the Knight Agency, Authors Cynthia Thomason, Julie Compton, Dara Edmonson, Catherine Kean, Michelle Young, Dolores Wilson, Elizabeth Sinclair, Elaine Viets, Mark Schweizer, and more.
Nancy Cohen & Lucienne Diver
Nancy Cohen & Lucienne Diver


Nancy Cohen
Nancy at Reception


Cynthia Thomason, Elizabeth Sinclair, Delores Wilson
Cynthia Thomason, Elizabeth Sinclair, Delores Wilson
Dara Edmonson & Nancy Cohen
Dara Edmonson & Nancy Cohen
Elaine Viets
Mystery Author Elaine Viets
Julie Compton & Dara Edmonson
Julie Compton & Dara Edmonson















We crashed later that evening at the Holiday Inn Express in Tavares located on the tranquil Dead River. A quaint seafood restaurant, Fin’s, is nearby. It was about fifteen minutes away on 441 which was good, because my workshop started in the morning at nine o’clock back in Leesburg.

I spoke on How to Get Published: The Business of Writing. My talk covered the basics on manuscript preparation, query letters, synopsis, how to get an agent, the value of networking, contests and critique groups, self-editing, and more. We had about forty people in the audience, and they asked good questions. I enjoyed speaking to such an enthusiastic crowd.

Nancy presents workshop
Nancy presents workshop

For a lunch break, my husband and I cruised 441 and settled on the Red Lobster. Then we headed back to the library for my afternoon session, a panel entitled “Murder, Love, and Laughter” with mystery authors Elaine Viets, Mark Schweizer, Elizabeth Sinclair, Delores Wilson, and Nancy J. Cohen.

Nancy, Mark, Elizabeth, Elaine, Delores
Nancy enjoys speaking to group

Kudos to Judy Buckland, Lake Co. Library System’s Program Coordinator, for a terrific turnout and a great event.  Thanks, also, to Raintree Books for selling our work.






And now for the plug: Support your local libraries! Take out books and DVDs, join Friends of the Libraries, attend their events. I can’t tell you how many readers have written to me to say they first discovered my mysteries on the library shelves. Libraries are more like media centers these days with videos, computers, even digital downloads. Take advantage of this public service and visit your local library. Hugs to all librarians!